Examination Evaluating Category 2 Specified Technical Skills for Manufacturing Sectors
Examination Evaluating Category 2 Specified Technical Skills
for Manufacturing Sectors

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  • Examination Evaluating Category 2 Specified Technical Skills for Manufacturing Sectors

How to Take the Evaluation Tests for the Specified Skilled Worker (ⅱ) Manufacturing Fields (available only in Japanese)

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Specified skilled worker No. 2

Proficient skills acquired through years of work experience, etc. and that require a high level of expertise or skills equivalent to or greater than that of a foreign national with the current status of residence in the professional/technical field.
The skills are, for example, at a level at which the employee is able to perform highly specialized and technical work based on his/her own judgment, or is able to perform the work with proficient skills while supervising the work as a supervisor.
Please click the URL below for an overview of the system.

How to acquire resident status as a Category 2 Specified Technical Skills qualification holder in manufacturing in the machine parts and tooling, industrial machinery, and electric power, electronics, and information industries

The Seminar Page provides multilingual information material and videos that introduce the system for accepting foreign human resources with Specified Technical Skills in the manufacturing industry and examples of human resource acceptance.

The process of applying for an examination to the issuance of a Pass Certificate.

  • Request a confirmation number for Proof of Number of Years of Business Experience
  • Take the examination at a test site
  • Examinees who passed can apply to have a certificate of successful examination issued on the dedicated application web page.

Affiliated Institutions

  • 経済産業省 Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industy
  • 外務省 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan